Sunday: Some Important Facts
The history of Sunday

The history of Sunday dates back to ancient times. The Babylonians were the first to develop a seven-day week, and they named each day after a different celestial object. Sunday was named after the Sun god, Shamash.
The Romans adopted the Babylonian seven-day week, and they also named each day after a celestial object. However, they changed the name of Sunday to dies Solis, which means “day of the Sun.“
When Christianity became popular in the Roman Empire, Christians began to observe Sunday as a special day of worship. This was because Sunday was the day on which Jesus Christ is believed to have risen from the dead.
In 321 AD, the Roman emperor Constantine I issued a decree that made Sunday a day of rest for all citizens. This was the first time that Sunday was officially recognized as a day of rest in the Western world.
The observance of Sunday as a day of rest and worship continued to spread throughout Europe and the world during the Middle Ages. Today, Sunday is a day of rest and worship for Christians and many other people around the world.
In addition to its religious significance, Sunday has also become a day for families and friends to spend time together. Many people enjoy going to church, having lunch with family, or taking a walk in the park on Sunday.
Here are some interesting facts about the history of Sunday:
- In the early Christian church, Sunday was known as the “Lord’s Day.” This was because it was the day on which Christians worshipped Jesus Christ, the Lord.
- In some cultures, Sunday is also associated with good luck and prosperity. For example, in Chinese culture, Sunday is known as “Yang Ri,” which means “Sun Day.” Yang is associated with positive energy and good luck.
- In Hindu culture, Sunday is known as “Ravivar,” which is associated with the God Ravi (Surya), who is God of light source and energy
Today, Sunday is a day of rest and worship for millions of people around the world. It is also a day for families and friends to spend time together.
Enjoy the Sunday 😊😊😊