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Toggleधनतेरस पर क्या खरीदारी करें? Dhanteras par kya khariden?
Dhanteras par kya khariden?
धनतेरस पर किस प्रकार का झाड़ू खरीदें?

On Dhanteras, people definitely buy gold and silver items and utensils and the belief behind this is that whatever item is bought on this day, it increases in value by 13 times. Today we are telling you about some things which are as important as gold and silver. Bringing things home on the day of Dhanteras brings blessings to your house throughout the year and the blessings of Goddess Lakshmi remain on you and your entire family. Let us know which are those 5 things. Though you may buy Gold / Silver ETF also, which is safe in nature and good new era investment also.
Soil (मिट्टी) is considered a symbol of the 5 elements and it is believed that worshiping a clay idol increases wealth and happiness and prosperity in your home. On the day of Dhanteras, apart from the idol of Ganesha-Lakshmi, you must also bring home a clay idol of Lord Kuber. By doing this, the goddess of wealth and the god of wealth reside in your house and there is no shortage of money throughout the year.

It is necessary to buy a broom on Dhanteras?
On the day of Dhanteras, you must buy a broom for your home. It is believed that broom is considered a symbol of Goddess Lakshmi and bringing a broom into the house on Dhanteras increases financial prosperity in your house and brings happiness and peace among the family members. Keep one thing in mind that before bringing a new broom on Dhanteras, remove the old broom from the house.
Buy coriander (Dhaniya) on Dhanteras
It is very auspicious to bring whole coriander to the house on the day of Dhanteras. During the worship on the evening of Dhanteras, definitely offer coriander to Goddess Lakshmi and Kuber ji. By doing this, Goddess Lakshmi will always be happy with you and there will be no shortage of money in your house.
Yellow shell (पीली कौड़ी)
Cowries are very dear to Mother Lakshmi. On the day of Dhanteras, you must buy 5 yellow cowries and offer them at the feet of Goddess Lakshmi. With this you will get money and along with your career, your business will grow by leaps and bounds.

Buy salt on Dhanteras
On the day of Dhanteras, definitely buy whole salt from the market. By doing this, financial crisis goes away from your house and wealth rains in the house. Bringing salt removes Vaastu defects from your house and also eliminates the effects of evil eye. There is a belief that bringing salt into the house on Dhanteras also removes the inauspicious effects of Rahu.